Step by Step Demo

--step1: Creating table
create table Bills(billno int,billdate date,custid int)
--step2: Check for pages
dbcc ind(0,'Bills',-1)  --no pages
--step3: Inserting sample data
insert bills values(1,getdate(),100),(2,getdate(),300)
--step4: Check for pages
dbcc ind(0,'Bills',-1) 
--step5: Now lets we place index
create nonclustered index indx1 on bills(billno)
--step6: Check for pages
dbcc ind(0,'Bills',-1)
--step7: To view page contents, 1 is fileid and 326 is page number
dbcc traceon(3604)
dbcc page(0,1,326,1)

Note: Each type of page(s) is maintained in separate IAM page from the above scenario.